WAPDA Bill Calculator is a tool that you can use to estimate electricity bills across Pakistan. It is made on the basis of various factors. In which the user’s electricity units, Tariff Rate, additional charges (taxes) etc. are added. You are provided with a tool in which you enter the units you spend and then you can get complete details of your monthly utility bill. It is made under a formula that is:
Total Bill = (Units Consumed × Tariff Rate) + Fixed Charges + Additional Taxes
If you also want to get the details of your bill or if you are afraid of any kind of error in your bill, then you can get the complete details of the bill by entering your units spent. In the article, you will be provided with various tools to calculate your Wapda bills. You belong to any electric feeder. You can get complete details of your bill by using the given tools below.
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Requirement to Use Electricity Wapda Bill Calculator?
It has become difficult to estimate your bill due to the irregular rise and fall of electricity prices. In view of which we have introduced a tool which will let you know the complete details of your bill by consumed units at home. You will enter your Customer ID to use it, and can also enter Referral ID. Enter the number of Units Consumed. If your bill is less than 06 consecutive months, fill the box below and then click on the Calculate Wapda Bill button below.
Customer ID:
Customer ID is the meter/registration number provided by any electric units which is written on the top left corner of your Wapda bill. It usually consists of 12 digits. Your identification in the concerned utility company is done with this customer ID.
Referral ID:
The Referral ID is identified as the tracking number of the electricity Wapda bill. Usually provided on the left top corner of the electric bill for example 123456789 R. You can get your bill payment and other information with the help of this tracking ID. With the help of this, the details of last 06 month bills used to you can also be provided.
Units Consumed:
It is usually the amount of electricity used in a period of time. which is usually measured in kilowatt hours (kWh). It is introduced as a unit on your Wapda bill. The units you use in a month are called Consumed Units.
Tariff Rate:
It is the cost per unit of resource used. Tariff rates may vary based on type of usage, time of day, or other factors. For example, electricity rates may be lower during off-peak hours than during peak hours.
Additional Taxes Applies On Used Units
Electricity Duty (E.D)
A certain tax is collected for the salaries of the representatives on duty. Which is called Electricity Duty. These are levied on the basis of electricity consumption in each area and the number of workers there, which each customer pays along with their actual Wapda bill.
Goods and Services Tax (GST)
The actual bill includes 17% taxes which are spent on various secondary sources of electricity generation. There are costs incurred on the use of products such as generators, fuel and other products to meet the electricity consumption. Goods and Services Tax (GST) is included in the original Wapda bill.
Fuel Cost Surcharge (FC)
All the costs used in the actual means of generating electricity (i.e Fuel, Wood, Oil, Coal, Petrol) are based on which the price of electricity is ups and downs. These taxes are calculated every month along with actual expenses
Tariff Rationalization Surcharge (TR)
Government imposed extra charges that adjust electricity costs to reflect changes or tariffs in government policy or cost structure. These taxes may affect the cost of the monthly unit.
TV Fee
A fee charged for the use of television services, often linked to an Wapda electricity bill, intended to support public broadcasting services. A certain amount is paid with every electric bill.
FPA (Fuel Price Adjustment)
Advance taxes are earned on the basis of sudden increase and decrease in the price of fuels used in power generation. So that the sudden increase in fuel price can be adjusted and electricity can be provided to the consumers at a normal rate. These amounts are marginal taxes.
Sales Tax
All taxes levied on purchase and sale of electricity and other equipment are known as sale tax. These taxes are added to the Wapda bill in a fixed amount so that all the taxes are distributed equally to the consumers and the company is not burdened.
Income Tax
Tax on income of electricity suppliers. Although this is not usually charged directly to consumers, it can affect unit prices. Providers can include their income tax related costs in the tariff structure.
Peak / Off-Peak Timings
These are not taxes, but rates at different times of electricity use, which are generally charged additionally on units used at peak times. It means that electricity is used more in the evening and morning hours. Units used during this time are generally more expensive than units used in the afternoon.
Deferred Amount
Taxes that are provided as a discount if the bill is high. These tax-ups have to be paid additionally in the next month’s Wapda bill. This amount may also be known as your arrears.
QTR Tariff Adj / DMC
(Quarterly Tariff Adjustment / Demand Management Charge)
Meter Rental Fee
Electricity used in cooperation with the utility company is measured by a specific device meter. These are added to the monthly meter rent or charges up to the bill. These meter or reading charges are called meter renewal fee.
Reconnection Fee
If for any reason your electric connection is disconnected and all your power sources are switched off, then you have to submit an application and get your connection re-established. All the charges incurred in renewing this connection will be added to your meter renewal charges.
Late Payment Surcharge
A specific date for paying bills is provided every month. If you don’t pay your bill within that specified date, you are charged additional charges or taxes. This penalty has to be paid along with the original bill every time you pay your bill. If you pay your bill for three months. If not, your connection will be disconnected.
WAPDA Charges
WAPDA is an official institution of Pakistan. It checks all sources of electricity across Pakistan. The institution needs financial support to meet its needs and expenses, which all electric units have to provide as taxes. This additional tax is collected in the bill called WAPDA Charges.
Electricity Unit in Pakistan Helpline Numbers
If you use an electric unit in Pakistan and you need a helpline number for any kind of complaints or information, in the table below you can find the helpline number of major electric units in Pakistan, SMS service and local number. It has been explained in detail, you can register your complaints and information on these numbers. In this table, the helpline numbers and information of LESCO, MEPCO, FESCO, PESCO, GEPCO are given below:
Electricity Units | Helpline Number | Call |
LESCO | 042-99205461-2 | 118 |
MEPCO | 0800-63726 | 118 |
FESCO | 92- 41- 9220184 | 118 |
PESCO | 111-000-128 | 118 |
GEPCO | 92-55-9200504 | 118 |
If you need the helpline of WAPDA and the electric unit nearest to your respective electric feeder and connection, you can get all the customer sports numbers by going to the top right corner of your current bill. It requires the divisions, sub-divisions, feeders and all nearby helpline numbers of your electric units.
How to Pay All Wapda Electricity Bills Online?
Online Payment:
It is very easy to pay your bill at home with the help of these methods. You can pay your bills from your daily used accounts. It is possible to pay your bill by visiting your nearest retailer. Following are the easy ways to pay the Wapda bill online:
Bank Transfer:
If you keep it in any bank account in Pakistan, you can easily pay your bill using your bank’s app. You can also ensure electricity bill payment using your respective bank’s ATM. Listed are the banks that facilitate bill payment in Pakistan:
You can get the bill details of any utility company after getting the complete details of supply to consumers of electricity used in Pakistan. We will provide you with such tools in the article which will solve all your problems. If you are not getting your new bill, you will be able to get a duplicate bill.
A calculator tool will be provided to you for any type of error in the bill or correctness of your bill. Apart from this, if you want to get your duplicate, you can visit our website. This website has been created to describe the details of the bills of all the electricity providing companies. This will create many eases in your life.