GEPCO Bill Calculator is introduced as an advanced tool to get complete details of your bill payment ahead of time. GEPCO Bill Calculator will inform you about the electricity bill details. If you also belong to the retired class and want to know the payment of the bill from your salary, then you can use this tool. You will be able to get your monthly bill by entering the units spent in the month. Apart from this, if you suspect any kind of error in the bill, you can estimate the bill payment by entering it in your units. In the article, you should be provided with tools and methods.
GEPCO Bill Calculator
How To Use GEPCO Bill Calculator Online
If you want to get the details of your bill while sitting at home, we have introduced a very easy portal for you. In this GEPCO Bill Calculator, you can also get your estimate by entering the number of units you have consumed. Follow these steps to use the portal:
- Visit the portal given above
- Enter your consumed units in the portal option
- If you use less than 200 units, then click on the submit calculate button
- If you have used more than 200 units even once in the last six months, then click on the check option and click on the calculate bill button
You will be provided with complete information about your estimated bill immediately. The special thing about this bill is that it provides you with a complete list of all taxes and charges.

Peak And Off Peak Time GEPCO
Season | Peak Hours | Off-Peak Hours |
December to February | 5 PM to 9 PM | Remaining 20 hours |
March to May | 6 PM to 10 PM | Remaining 18 hours |
June to August | 5 PM to 11 PM | Remaining 16 hours |
September to November | 7 PM to 11 PM | Remaining 18 hours |
GEPCO Traffics Rates December
Gujranwala Electric Power Company is ensuring electricity supply in a large area around it. If you are also a GEPCO customer and want to get your bill details, then you have to remember that your bills are calculated according to Traffics Rates. All customers also get their estimates based on different Traffics. To get the details of GEPCO Traffics Rates, please provide the details of your different Traffics Rates:
Residentia Traffics Rates are for consumers who have a single-phase domestic meter. For them, Residentia Traffics Rates are structured in a way that:
Units (kWh) | Peak Rate (PKR) | Off-Peak Rate (PKR) |
Up to 50 Units | 7.00 | —— |
51-100 Units | 11.68 | —— |
101-200 Units | 18.07 | —— |
201-300 units | 30.78 | —— |
Above 700 units | 43.85 | —— |
If you use a commercial meter, the cost of the transfer rates for commercial meters is slightly different, which is shown in the table below.
Units (kWh) | Peak Rate (PKR) | Off-Peak Rate (PKR) |
Up to 5 kW | 38.80 | 36.43 |
Above 5 kW | Rate varies | Rate varies |
Industrial (General)
Industrial meters are provided to consumers using electric city on a large scale. They are clearly provided for any large industry or flour mill. The information of industrial meters is given below:
Units (kWh) | Peak Rate (PKR) | Off-Peak Rate (PKR) |
B1 | 35.32 | —— |
B2 | 33.32 | 32.92 |
B3 | 38.82 | 33.11 |
B4 | 38.82 | 33.02 |
Agricultural consumers have to register separate meters for 12. These units are subject to rates hiked based on various subsidies. The details of the tariff rates for last December are as follows:
Units (kWh) | Peak Rate (PKR) | Off-Peak Rate (PKR) |
Standard | 20.22 | 15.94 |
GEPCO Bill Calculator helps all users to calculate electricity bills. It is especially helpful in view of the factors that affect the cost of electricity such as fluctuating tariffs, surcharges and taxes etc. If you want to get additional tax details in your bill, track rate applicable in your electricity consumption and other related information, then you can use GEPCO Bill Calculator. This calculator will provide you with complete details of how the taxes have been added in the last month. Keeping in view the frequent changes in electricity rates and additional charges imposed by the government. Using the GEPCO Bill Calculator is very useful.